CAAR and A2Mac1 organize an electric and hybrid vehicle benchmarking congress in Zaragoza

CAAR and A2Mac1 organize an electric and hybrid vehicle benchmarking congress in Zaragoza

Encuentros 6 7 56230

The Cluster of Automotive of Aragon (CAAR) and the French company A2Mac1, international reference in comparative analysis (benchmarking) of vehicles in the automotive sector, organize a congress on benchmarking of electric vehicles, which will take place on February 11 and 12 in Zaragoza. Each of the two days will present the same content, thus giving the opportunity to those interested in choosing one of the two dates. Both entities underline that it is an unprecedented event in Spain and that A2Mac1 performs for the first time in open format, since so far it has only been carried out privately for its more than 300 clients, among which the main OEM and Tier1. The target of the event is focused towards companies in the whole automotive industry value chain throughout the Iberian Peninsula.

In the double appointment, technical presentations will be offered by the experts of the French company, on methodologies and manufacturing procedures for hybrid and electric vehicles, with comparisons with the manufacturing of gasoline and diesel models. In parallel, the components of three disassembled vehicles can be analyzed: a Toyota RAV4 Hybrid, a Honda-CRV Hybrid and a Citroën Berlingo HDI.

Vincent Demay, General Manager of A2Mac1, points out that “whatever their disciplines, our clients need to know their benchmark. Therefore, we observe and capture for them the latest trends in weight lightening design, electrification, regulatory compliance and autonomous driving in all key markets in the world. With a proven experience of more than 20 years and a team of more than 400 employees, we are the only company that offers a platform for comparative evaluation, in the cloud or on the premises for more than 400,000 users, loaded with a unique set of data, 3D and reports. We cover the automotive market worldwide, analyzing more than 100 models a year”. On the other hand, the company also works with someTier 2 and Tier3, “which can benefit from our service portfolio regardless of the scope of their work. This is another reason why we are pleased to promote our service in Zaragoza on February 11 and 12, 2020”.

A2Mac1 organizes similar events in Europe, North America, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Thailand and Latin America. The events that we usually organize are called workshops and seminars on trends in the automotive industry, such as EV / hybrid cars, ADAS technologies, materials used with databases, exhibition of parts and speakers directly or through web/online seminars.

Demay adds that “Spain is an important country in the automobile industry that we currently do not cover enough. This Zaragoza event will be a great opportunity for A2Mac1 to show our capabilities and demonstrate the advantages of our services to those companies that want a collaboration”. The company's executives affirm that “we anticipate electrical trends through the acquisition of data from both electric and hybrid vehicles and those propelled by internal combustion engines (ICE). We create an opportunity thanks to which A2Mac1 helps suppliers adapt to the new technology, at the same time as it has opened the way for new comers, customers that have joined the sector. Most of the OEMs and suppliers we are working with have already adopted our portfolio of electric and hybrid cars. In addition to electrification, autonomous and connected vehicles are trends in the automotive industry that we are covering with our HMI package.

Unnamed (2)

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(I D) Ignacio Martin (Gestamp), Nicolas Henriquez (AENOR)

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