The VTM b2b convention is back to Turin on September 16th and 17th
2nd edition of Vehicle and Transportation Technology Meetings

The VTM b2b convention is back to Turin on September 16th and 17th

2nd edition of Vehicle and Transportation Technology Meetings

Connected vehicles, advanced autonomous drive, cybersecurity, new hybrid and electric propulsion systems: these are the main themes – as in the OGR (Officine Grandi Riparazioni) in the future of mobility, confirming Piedmont as reference point for international companies and professionals in this field. Two days of conferences, workshops and b2b meetings, with Italian and worldwide companies – and start-ups – that will meet in Turin on September 16th and 17th.

After the 1 st edition extraordinary success in November 2018, Regione Piemonte, Chamber of Commerce of Torino and Chamber of Commerce of Cuneo promote the second edition of an event focused on the future of a very important industry in Piedmont and Italy. This business convention, organized by ABE – Advanced Business Events in co-operation with Ceipiemonte within Progetti Integrati di Filiera (PIF), is the best way to help the evolution of Piedmont excellence in the new mobility scenario.

According to the last Observatory by Chamber of Commerce of Torino about components industry, 34% of Italian companies in this field come from Piedmont. From 2016 to 2018 the 88% of Piedmont and Italian companies in this branch has implemented process and/or product innovation activities. Only in 2019 almost 67% of Piedmont companies invested part of their revenues in R&D, dedicating specific teams in this activity. These numbers show the importance of innovation in automotive industry and that’s why VTM is so crucial to help this process.

247 companies, 42 buyers and 23 start-ups from Italy and from all over the world were the participants to the first edition of VTM, that registered over 2.500 b2b meetings and 1.300 people coming from 20 countries to discuss ideas, projects and strategies. These numbers are going to be exceeded for the second VTM edition.

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