AutoRevista.- How did you come up with the idea of replicating Equip Auto, associated with Paris, in the city of Lyon? Lyon has already recently hosted an event such as Global Industrie and about 15 days after Equip Auto Lyon, there will be a European meeting of industrial clusters there. Is Lyon gaining importance in terms of organising meetings at a European level and can it allow Equip Auto to have a greater projection beyond France?
Aurélie Jouve. - The choice of the city of Lyon was obvious because of its strong international potential, its excellent road, rail and air services, its proximity to Switzerland, Italy, Germany, etc., and its national economic weight. The AuRA (Auvergne Rhône Alpes region) and Lyon represent the second largest economic region in France. EQUIP AUTO Lyon will welcome the entire French, European and international sector - it is not a regional fair! To date, the countries registered are Belgium, China, Germany, Italy, Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Spain, United Kingdom and Turkey.
EQUIP AUTO Lyon will welcome the entire French, European and international sector - it is not a regional fair!
Furthermore, EQUIP AUTO Lyon is organised in synergy with the Lyon Motor Show, which takes place from 28 September to 2 October 2023. The Lyon Motor Show is the leading motor show in France in terms of the number of car brands present, and has become an unmissable and benchmark event on the French automotive scene. These two events will be an opportunity to bring together professionals and the general public and to highlight the automotive sector (upstream and downstream) for one week. Lyon is, in a way, the capital of the South of France, which will make it possible to reach professionals who cannot or do not have the time to go to EQUIP AUTO Paris.
AR.- How big is Equip Auto Lyon going to be in terms of exhibitors and what are the expectations in terms of visitor numbers?
A.J.- EQUIP AUTO Lyon intends to bring together 30,000 professional visitors, 400 exhibitors and brands, in an area of 30,000 m², over three days.
AR.- How are you working on the call for professionals from purchasing departments and on the interaction between exhibitors and visitors in order to promote business opportunities?
A.J.- At EQUIP AUTO Paris 2022, 12% of visitors were purchasing managers or buyers. This is the fourth most represented function and responsibility among visitors to the show. Among the fundamental principles of action that EQUIP AUTO puts in place for concrete business benefits, the facilitation of exchanges ranks first. EQUIP AUTO is a place of information, exchange and listening. It highlights all the prospects and potential for new business within the sector.
The show brings together the automotive world in a friendly, passionate and business environment. Our show is an essential performance lever.
To give you a concrete figure, according to the EQUIP AUTO Paris 2022 exhibitor survey, 76% of exhibitors see EQUIP AUTO as a trade fair where orders are taken. The visitors themselves are project leaders: 83% are decision-makers, 54% came to meet new suppliers and 76% found something to realise their projects at EQUIP AUTO Paris 2022.
The visitors themselves are leading project holders: at EQUIP AUTO Paris 2022, 83% are decision-makers and 54% came to meet new suppliers
AR.- What can it mean in terms of visitor numbers to organise it in parallel with the Lyon Motor Show, repeating the experience in Paris?
A.J.- We saw it last year with Paris Automotive Week: PAW, a unique project in the world, was a real opportunity to have access to the entire value chain in the same place at the same time. This was a vector of inspiration, relationship and business.
The changes in mobility force us more than ever to combine the offer of manufacturers with the needs of the distribution and repair networks to satisfy the market.
EQUIP AUTO Lyon visitors and exhibitors will have free access to the Lyon Motor Show. Similarly, exhibitors and trade visitors to the Lyon Motor Show will have free access to EQUIP AUTO Lyon. This will inevitably have an impact in terms of attendance.
AR - In addition to the aftermarket, workshop and tyre sectors, do you think you can attract automotive and mobility component suppliers?
A.J.- The vehicle parts, equipment and components sector will once again be the most represented sector at EQUIP AUTO Lyon this year. Last year in Paris it was already in first place, with 26% of exhibitors and brands. To name but a few who have already confirmed their presence: Autolia, Clas, Clarios, Corteco SAS, ElringKlinger, Osram, Motrio, NTN-SNR, etc. Young companies from the sector will also be showcased in the Startups area, a new feature for the 2023 EQUIP AUTO.
AR.- With just over two months to go, how is the call for entries for the first Equip Auto Lyon International Innovation Trophies progressing?
A.J.- Entries are still in progress and we wish the first entries, which have been submitted in one of the following four categories: Engineering, Bodywork, Repair/Maintenance, Services to Professionals, the best of luck. Emerging technologies in the automotive sector that bring a real benefit to the user, maintenance and automotive service professional, will be distinguished.
AR.- Have you considered organising Equip Auto in any other city in France and promoting international expansion with other locations, in addition to Algeria?
A.J.- The second and next edition of EQUIP AUTO On Tour will take place in 2024, in the regions of several cities in France. With EQUIP AUTO On Tour we want to spread the EQUIP AUTO spirit and bring it closer to the industry players. This new format, simple, economical and friendly, organised for the last time in 2021, allows mobility and automotive after-sales professionals to meet, discuss and have a pleasant and rewarding time, in the spirit of the large dedicated shows, but on a smaller scale. And, in fact, we do not prohibit ourselves from looking for possible opportunities for international development.
The second and next edition of EQUIP AUTO On Tour will take place in 2024, in the regions of several cities in France
AR.- What would be the message to attract the Spanish automotive sector, both aftermarket and OE, and mobility when inviting them to participate in Equip Auto Lyon?
A.J.- EQUIP AUTO is the benchmark B2B show for the French automotive industry. We affirm our ambition and our positioning to be, within the EMEA zone, the reference event for innovation in automotive aftermarket and services related to connected mobility, bringing together the various players in the value chain extended to new entrants. Once again, EQUIP AUTO Lyon is not a regional show. It aims to bring together the entire French, European and international sector. It will also be the only professional meeting in Europe in 2023 to bring together such a rich and complete offer.
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