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María Luisa Soria: "It is enriching to have been able to contribute to making our industry better known and considered as it deserves to be"

María Luisa Soria: "It is enriching to have been able to contribute to making our industry better known and considered as it deserves to be"

1 Maria Luisa Soria SERNAUTO OK
María Luisa Soria, former Director of Institutional Relations and Innovation, SERNAUTO

Those who know her value her work capacity, her discretion and a spirit of teamwork based on active listening and understanding. For 15 years, María Luisa Soria has served as an outstanding ambassador of SERNAUTO and, at the same time, as an exponent of the innovative imprint of the association.


AutoRevista.- Doctor in Chemical Sciences and MBA in Business Administration, did you ever think that your career could be oriented towards an industry such as the automotive industry? What were your aspirations at that time?


María Luisa Soria.-  Not really. It was clear to me that I wanted to dedicate myself to research, but because of the specialty I chose, organic chemistry, I aspired to work in a pharmaceutical or chemical company. However, at that time the opportunity arose to start my professional career in a battery company, in a project on conductive polymers, and that's where I joined. It could be said that I came to the sector by chance, attracted by the possibility of developing a career in the R&D (Research and Development) area.


It could be said that I came to the sector by chance, attracted by the possibility of developing a career in the R&D area


AR.- In the mid 80's, you started a professional stage of more than 20 years in Tudor-Exide, what was your work in a multinational of that dimension and what would you highlight from that experience?


M.L.S.- When I joined Tudor it was a national company that, at the beginning of the 90s, started its international expansion in Europe and in 1994 was acquired by the American company Exide Technologies. I was therefore able to experience the process of growth and integration of the European company into the dynamics of an American company. From my experience there, I would highlight having had the opportunity to develop a professional career in the scientific-technological field, participating in several national projects and coordinating, since 1995, European projects on energy storage systems for automotive and also for industrial applications, in collaboration with suppliers, customers, universities and technology centers. And also, the collaboration work with professionals from other areas and other companies of the group, in issues related to production processes, quality, approvals and customer audits, etc.


AR.- In the last 15 years, you have held positions of responsibility in an entity such as SERNAUTO, which has evolved from an association with a functional character to a very dynamic, proactive organization, fully aligned with the interests of the sector, what is your assessment of this trajectory?


M.L.S.- My balance is very positive, because it has allowed me to grow professionally and to participate in the transformation of the association and in the strategic positioning of the sector in recent years. And, what is very important, I have enjoyed every day, developing my work. I have also been able to learn first-hand about the evolution of companies in one of the most cutting-edge sectors, which is undergoing an unprecedented process of technological and industrial transformation, and its protagonists, from large companies, Spanish groups and foreign capital, as well as many SMEs.


I joined SERNAUTO to promote the participation of companies in the sector in European R&D&I programs, but after two years I had to take on a more institutional role as general secretary and, at the request of the companies themselves, develop the areas of communication and institutional relations. In these years I have been able to see that there is a lot of chemistry in the automobile, beyond batteries or fuels: in materials, exhaust gas treatment systems or coatings. And I have also learned about new technologies that are being incorporated into the vehicle such as ADAS, V2X communication systems, and also in production systems such as collaborative robotics, digital twins, or 5G networks, among many others.


SERNAUTO has a team of great professionals, who energize the different areas of action of the association, and with the important support and collaboration of the companies, and especially of the people who, from the Commissions and working groups of the association, contribute with their knowledge and experience. I would also like to highlight the work of the members of SERNAUTO's Board of Directors who, from the Strategy Committee, inspired this evolution, of those with whom I have been able to work hand in hand on different projects, and also of the three presidents with whom I have had the honor of working, José María Pujol, Mª Helena Antolin and Francisco J. Riberas. If there is something that working in an association gives you, it is precisely the fact of being in contact with people from different positions and companies that, united, work for a common good (often invisible) as is, in this case, the competitiveness of the Spanish automotive supplier industry. I would say that it has been a very nice and enriching job to have been able to contribute, from my position, so that both public administrations and the rest of the public know more about our industry and consider it as it deserves.


SERNAUTO has a team of great professionals, who energize the different areas of action of the association


AR.- From your experience, what does the Spanish automotive supplier industry, which for decades has been able to create a highly competitive fabric in Spain and at the same time achieve a relevant international prestige, need?


M.L.S.- The Spanish automotive industry has to maintain the position it currently holds both in Europe and internationally, in a very competitive and global sector, which has to comply with the ambitious environmental objectives set by the European Union and which imply a very important technological transformation, and it also has to take advantage of the digital revolution.


The Spanish automotive industry has to maintain the position it currently holds both in Europe and internationally, in a very competitive and global sector


To this end, I would highlight four aspects. Firstly, to have favorable policies for the industry in general and the automotive industry in particular, to promote an "automotive industry friendly environment", to attract investments from the new automotive value chain and also to facilitate the transition of the companies in the sector towards these new vehicle technologies and production systems. 


As a second point, a sensible regulation, allowing an orderly and environmentally, economically and socially sustainable transition, with ambitious objectives, but open to all technologies and with realistic deadlines.

Thirdly, to set up a national R&D&I program in the automotive sector that encompasses and coordinates existing initiatives and makes it possible to streamline and optimize the management of available resources. SERNAUTO and Move2Future, the Spanish Automotive and Mobility Technology Platform in which the entities that make up the innovation ecosystem participate, have set strategic priorities and defined the lines of projects to be addressed. Their work was key in the definition of projects for the calls linked to the Recovery Plan, especially the PERTE VEC, but it is important to have a stable budget allocation over time and also to speed up the processes of launching and resolving the calls.


Finally, it is important to develop the talent that companies need, since people are their main asset. It is necessary to promote, on the one hand, the improvement of qualification and requalification of people currently working in companies, both in relation to new vehicle technologies and in the acquisition of digital skills. And on the other hand, to have greater flexibility in the education system and greater cooperation with companies to adapt training programs, both university and vocational training, to the current and future needs of companies.


AR.- Throughout your time at SERNAUTO, have you been heavily involved in European projects? How do you value SERNAUTO's contribution to these cooperation frameworks?


M.L.S.- As a national association representing automotive suppliers, SERNAUTO is, since its origin, a member of CLEPA, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers, and a member of its Board of Directors. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to participate in various CLEPA management bodies and working committees to defend the interests of Spanish companies in Europe, to replicate actions at the national level and to share best practices with associations in other countries.


At the European level, I have also participated in several projects, mainly coordination and support actions, and in initiatives such as the European Technology Platform ERTRAC, in which SERNAUTO's role is to provide the Spanish strategic vision, transfer R&D&I priorities to the work programs of European calls for proposals and disseminate the information generated in the projects and European initiatives in which we participate and the opportunities for collaboration to companies in the sector and the entire innovation ecosystem involved in the Spanish automotive and mobility technology platform, Move2Future.


From SERNAUTO's contribution, I would highlight, first of all, being able to make known the relevance and capabilities of the Spanish sector, to know the strategic vision of other European associations and other countries, to work with leading experts from companies and technology centers in the sector, and to do our bit in the difficult task of getting European politicians to legislate with knowledge.


AR.-How would you describe your leadership style? 


M.L.S.- I consider myself a person with values who has tried to act ethically and with integrity. I have always been an understanding person, with a collaborative and consensus-seeking spirit, and I consider that teamwork is fundamental. I have done so throughout my professional life. SERNAUTO is a small but powerful team, with very versatile and highly committed profiles, and at the same time large, due to the number of companies it represents and the magnificent professionals who are involved in the association.


I am a person who likes to listen, not only to learn but also to be able to better contribute my vision and apply continuous improvement in processes or projects


If I have to highlight something about myself, it would be that of active listening. I am a person who likes to listen, not only to learn but also to be able to better contribute my vision and apply continuous improvement in processes or projects. In addition, I am a person who promotes reflection and analysis before making any kind of decision. I have always tried that my answers or behaviors have been preceded by a previous reflection and/or study to be able to act, but with knowledge.


AR.- After completing a long and fruitful career, what is your assessment? What have all your professional experiences given you?


M.L.S.- I make a very positive balance. On a professional level, I have been able to learn every day and "satiate" my scientific curiosity in a multi-technology and constantly evolving sector, develop new skills, and actively participate in the daily interaction with other associations, public and private institutions, trade unions, media, at national and European level.


On a personal level, it has allowed me to meet and learn from the people working in this sector, great professionals and passionate about their work. And also, by participating in European initiatives, being able to get to know other cultures and points of view has also enriched me a lot.



Expert advisor to SERNAUTO's M2F Platform

María Luisa Soria confesses that "I love to enjoy nature (hiking, sea and mountains), art (music, painting, architecture) and reading, especially historical novels. Now I will be able to dedicate much more time to these activities, as long as taking care of my grandchildren, who come first, allows me to do so".


"However," she emphasizes, "I want you to know that I am not leaving 100%, but I will continue to be involved in my passion, which is technology. I have been invited to be part of the Senior Experts Advisory Group of the M2F Technology Platform coordinated by SERNAUTO, along with other colleagues of many battles and I couldn't say no. It will be the perfect way to stay close to my passion, which is technology. It will be the perfect way to stay close to my SERNAUTO family".


Lea esta entrevista en castellano


Interview published in AutoRevista 2.385


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