Over more than a century, the VAHLE Group, a German company, has become what can best be described as a “discreet world champion” in the field of energy and data transmission for mobile applications. Recently, it has introduced the latest version of Smart Collector, the first intelligent predictive maintenance tool of its kind for conductor rail electrification systems, which allows “know today what will happen tomorrow.”
The most recent exponent of VAHLE's innovative capacity has materialized in the latest version of Smart Collector, an intelligent system that monitors and performs predictive maintenance of conductor rail systems in automobile production plants, systems that can be several kilometers long. The novel system is already used in some automobile production plants and has already detected anomalies during the first tests that would have caused unforeseen failures in the system. This innovation not only allows for the accurate detection of anomalies and possible errors in real time, but also lays the foundation for the use of predictive maintenance in conductor rail systems.
The system is made up of current collectors equipped with sensors, a main control unit, a data transmission router and software that is displayed on a modern control panel, accessible from any mobile device. The data are stored in a certified cloud data center or on the customer's local systems
The Smart Collector was recently chosen as the undisputed winner in the category "Transport technology and identification technology" by the readers of the German magazine "Materialfluss”
The Smart Collector was recently chosen as the undisputed winner in the category "Transport technology and identification technology" by the readers of the German magazine "Materialfluss", specialized in material flow. This prestigious award highlights the most innovative products, the selection of which is made by an expert jury, followed by readers' voting. This award underlines the innovative strength of VAHLE and the pioneering nature of the Smart Collector for the industry.
The VAHLE tool recently incorporated an important update: the IDAA (Intelligent Dynamic Anomaly Analysis) capability, which allows the Smart Collector to permanently measure the entire conductor rail system in real time and analyze its status, in parallel to the operation of the system. This method allows an even more precise detection of anomalies and automatic detection of signs of wear. It also forms the basis for future developments in the field of machine learning to accurately determine the probabilities of certain scenarios and events occurring.
The VAHLE tool recently incorporated an important update: the IDAA (Intelligent Dynamic Anomaly Analysis)
Smart Collector's intuitive user interface (dashboard) provides users with more precise analysis and maintenance options. Marcos Martínez, general director of VAHLE Spain, explains: "With the IDAA analysis, in addition to anomalies, wear is now automatically detected. Maintenance technicians have the results early and can take appropriate measures before a problem occurs. This minimizes downtime, reduces operating costs and extends system life."
Now, the Smart Collector sensors can analyze both horizontal and vertical movements. This useful feature significantly improves error analysis and enables early reaction to avoid later errors. The Smart Collector also offers the possibility of assigning collected data to the conductor rail system with millimeter precision, making error analysis and planning of maintenance measures much more efficient.
The Smart Collector allows our customers to know today what will happen tomorrow. Both maintenance and associated resources can be planned (Marcos Martínez. VAHLE España)
VAHLE has presented the Smart Collector at the SPS exhibition in Nuremberg, from 14th to 16th November, and the developers have shown additional sensors for this award-winning product, such as the new temperature sensor. “Special sensors and other machine learning updates are continually developed and adapted to the individual needs of industries,” explains Marcos Martínez. “The Smart Collector allows our customers to know today what will happen tomorrow. Both maintenance and associated resources can be planned. This is absolutely revolutionary in the field of conductor rail systems. “With Smart Collector, the world’s first and only predictive maintenance tool for conductor rails electrification systems, we generate significant added value for our customers.”
The Smart Collector is already successfully used in Germany and is gradually being implemented in other countries such as Spain, France, Italy, the USA and India. The focus is on applications in the automotive industry, intralogistics, and sorting systems. The VAHLE R&D team continues to develop Smart Collector and VAHLE Spain technicians are at your disposal to provide solutions for both energy and data transmission, as well as the new Smart Collector system.
In 1912, Paul Vahle, then an employee of the Dortmund steelmaker Hoesch AG, developed the world's first copper conductor rail. He registered and patented his invention, which also contributed to the industrial revolution, and founded his own company on April 9 of that same year. After the death of Paul Vahle in 1926, his wife Helene took over the business, whose management was assumed six years later by his son Paul Werner Vahle.
Since its origins, VAHLE has become a system provider for mobile industrial applications. The company supplies specific power and data transmission systems worldwide for a wide range of applications. The focus is on the sectors of crane technology, intralogistics, port technology, automotive, people transportation and attractions.
Paul VAHLE GmbH & Co. KG is based in Kamen and is part of the VAHLE Group. This values-oriented family business thinks and acts sustainably and is committed to quality, innovation and solution-orientation. The group achieves global sales of more than 120 million euros. Of the more than 750 employees, around 550 works at the German headquarters in Kamen and Dortmund, as well as twelve local sales offices. VAHLE is active worldwide with thirteen subsidiaries and representatives in more than 50 countries.
The VAHLE Group has been active in the Iberian Peninsula for almost 50 years and is represented through its subsidiary VAHLE ESPAÑA S.A.U. This subsidiary has offices in Barcelona, Madrid and Bilbao. This allows for close collaboration with customers and a local presence to quickly meet their specific needs.
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