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"We are a one-stop solution for OEM parts manufacturing and series production of components"
Nuria Cristóbal, Nissan Ávila Plant Manager

"We are a one-stop solution for OEM parts manufacturing and series production of components"

Nissan Ávila, high technological multi-product flexibility
Nuria Cristóbal, Nissan Ávila Plant Manager. Photo: Irene Díaz

AutoRevista: How has Nissan Ávila's reconversion been carried out in such a short period of time and with a sector that is highly stressed for different reasons?


Nuria Cristóbal.-  In 2017, we culminated a long period of almost 70 years as a manufacturer of commercial vehicles, which has allowed us to have a great deal of knowledge in the field of manufacturing. Since then, we have become a manufacturing plant for aftermarket and series components for final vehicles. We manufacture these components for Nissan, Renault, Dacia and Mercedes, with the aim of expanding our customer portfolio to other OEMs, because we are ready for it.


AR.- What features and characteristics distinguish what can be called, with absolute objectivity, Nissan's new plant?


N.C.- Our plant is conceived from a pioneering and innovative approach, which is based on high flexibility. We work without stocks and under customer requests with a very high tooling change capacity to respond to the workshop and the dealership that demand a spare part, plastic or metal, to meet customer satisfaction in delivery time, which is key in our work dynamics. We work with a large number of references, around 4,000, for the end customer. It should be noted that we work on spare parts for all Nissan models in Europe at the end of their standard life.


I insist that the singularity as a strong point of this plant is the high flexibility and the orientation of the business towards smaller batches, which requires a very rapid change of tooling. We are industrialising new parts on a daily basis, which means a high level of agility and complexity, and this quality of rapid integration of models in line at the Nissan Avila plant is remarkable.


The unique strength of this plant is the high flexibility and the orientation of the business towards smaller batch runs, which requires a very fast changeover of tooling


The volume of stamping dies and injection moulds is much higher than in a standard mass production plant.

We receive the original tooling from the Nissan plant that manufactures the series model, in order to take on the responsibility of manufacturing spare parts competitively. 


In the replacement product, it is important to highlight the level of customer satisfaction in quality, taking as standard the same level as the original series part, and with a delivery time to the dealers in the shortest possible time. 


We work on customer demand, without stocks, with the aim of solving the availability of the spare part that the end customer's car needs, through our flexible line structure for the different welding processes, quick tooling change, standardisation and sequencing. We manufacture without stock with some buffers for receiving parts from suppliers or in the packaging area. Regarding the latter process, we continuously work on improving the packaging design as part of the added value of the part.


AR.- What are the processes covered by Nissan Ávila's production lines?


N.C.- We have a new industrial building that concentrates the stamping and plastic injection operations, and is designed to house all types of dies, whether from Nissan, Renault or other OEMs.


From the conception of responding to all the customer's need for spare parts, we have an activity of external metal parts for Trim, such as door modules, doors, wings, side bodies, bonnets or metal parts for chassis structure, such as engine cradle, including the complete processes of stamping in steel and with the possibility of aluminium, welding in all its technologies, application of cataphoresis and packaging for dispatch to destination in totally synchronised flows and without stocks. In the case of the cataphoresis process, we have kept the existing line from the previous stage, which means that we have a high production capacity. 

We have a new industrial building that concentrates the plastic stamping and injection moulding operations, and is sized to accommodate all types of dies, whether from Nissan, Renault or other OEMs


It is worth noting that for the mass production of components, we manufacture the subframe or engine cradle of the Renault Austral, manufactured in Palencia, a platform shared with Qashqai, Rafale and Espace, as well as other mass production components that include the complete process of stamping, welding and cataphoresis.


For the plastic parts processes, we include the injection moulding activity, with a capacity of 200,000 units per year and focused on front and rear bumpers, as well as other types of parts such as sills. In addition to the plastic painting processes for bumpers and sills (with colour application for Nissan and primer for Renault) and the final packaging process.


AR.- How has a product type transformation been carried out in a relatively short period of time marked by the pandemic and the tensions inherent to the sector (semiconductors, logistical flows, raw materials)?


N.C. - The commitment of each and every member of our staff has been a determining factor here, as they have put all their effort and dedication into recycling and training in all production processes. 

It has also been and is very important the link with the administrations, both the Junta de Castilla y León, as well as the City Council of Ávila. We are grateful for and count on their support to continue growing in the medium term, as well as that of all employees and their representation to move forward together.

Nissan has invested 55 million euros to undertake the necessary infrastructures associated with the new technologies implemented.


AR.- What other areas of added value does Nissan's industrial base in Avila provide?


N.C.- Less than two kilometres away, we have two facilities integrated into the plant's ERP. On the one hand, a new 21,600 m2 logistics warehouse, with the highest performance, and adapted to the level of requirements and regulations in terms of fire protection systems, storage of chemical products and multi-destination shipments, aimed at the storage of electric vehicle components, including batteries. 

On the other hand, we serve Renault in a vehicle reconditioning area, where Nissan provided the added value of previous experience in vehicle assembly, developing an efficient production process.


AR- After completing the reconversion process, what are the keys for Nissan Ávila to continue growing as a supplier of spare parts and short series?


N.C- We are an integral solution for the manufacture of spare parts for OEMs, through complete turnkey processes and a competitive delivery time.  Our flexible lines are designed to absorb a wide range of possibilities, and thanks to our belonging to Nissan, we can provide the best response at a technological level, supported by a high level of engineering, which allows us to generate a competitive product for any OEM.


Our flexible lines are designed to absorb a wide range of possibilities


We give industrial value to the spare part, taking on the complete cycle of a value-added activity for both the OEM and the spare part, helping to free up underused space and a line of business that presents difficulties in OEMs' plants, which have the opportunity to outsource it to Nissan Ávila.


And in the same way as a manufacturer of serial components for OEMs, both metal parts integrating all the stamping, welding and cataphoresis processes, and plastic parts in bumpers for the injection, priming and colour painting processes, giving special added value to batch sizes that require frequent tooling changes.


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