Paweł Orzechowski (PGM): "The MISM model offers many possibilities for suppliers"

Paweł Orzechowski (PGM): "The MISM model offers many possibilities for suppliers"

Paweł Orzechowski, Project Manager of the PGM Cluster from Poland.

The remarkable internationalisation of the Mobility Industry Suppliers Meetings (MISM), organised by the Aragon Automotive and Mobility Cluster (CAAR) with the support of its counterparts ACAN (Navarra), AEI Rioja (La Rioja), AVIA (Valencia), CEAGA (Galicia), CIAC (Catalonia), FACYL (Castilla y León) and GIRA Mobility Solutions (Cantabria), finds an outstanding example in the case of Poland.


Paweł Orzechowski, Project Manager of the PGM Cluster, Polish acronym for Polish Automotive Group, which brings together more than 80 companies and entities of the sector in the country, tells AutoRevista that "at the beginning of this year, the general director of PGM was visiting Spain with the aim of getting to know companies with which to establish cooperation frameworks. During his stay in Zaragoza, in a meeting between our cluster and the CAAR, we were invited to participate in this year's MISM".


"It is a very interesting event, with very good content, such as the table of OEM purchasing managers. Of course, I would highlight, above all, the possibilities of direct meetings, through B2B meetings, between sales departments of supplier companies such as those in our cluster and purchasing managers. This dynamic offers many possibilities for suppliers and is a very important opportunity for our companies," said the Polish cluster representative.


Orzechowski also told AutoRevista that "it is very important for us to generate contacts between Spanish companies and Polish component suppliers. In this sense, we are trying to promote specific actions for our SMEs. The Polish industry is growing and events like MISM help the projection of our companies. I believe that we will continue to participate in future editions and, on the other hand, we are working on an event of similar characteristics in Poland for April 2025".


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25C0027 001

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