Daniel Rueda has been at the service of the Automotive Cluster of La Rioja for more than 13 years. First as coordinator, from 2011 to 2016, and then as secretary general, a position he has held for seven years now. He has been part of AEI Rioja team since almost its beginnings (the cluster celebrated its 15th anniversary last July).
In this interview, Rueda takes stock of his career and tells us how the entity has evolved over the years.
AutoRevista.- You have been working for the cluster for thirteen years, almost from the beginning. Could you tell us, from your perspective, how the cluster has changed over the last fifteen years in terms of its nature and the way it does things?
Daniel Rueda.- Fifteen years later, the work is much simpler because it is no longer necessary to convince companies of the benefits of a project or a collaborative action. It can be said that over the years the culture of collaborative work has taken hold among the partners, so the proliferation of collaborative actions is much easier to tackle.
AR.- And in terms of the number of members (how many did you start with and how many do you currently have)?
D.R.- We started with 14 members (industrialists) and currently there are 27 entities, 19 members and 8 collaborating members. We are very proud to be able to say that, after 15 years, no member has ever decided to leave voluntarily.
We are very proud to be able to say that after 15 years, no partner has ever decided to leave voluntarily
AR.- How has this growth been?
D.R.- The growth has been very gradual in terms of the number of members, and almost exponential in terms of the activity generated and projects. As I said, as time goes by, companies see collaborative work as an alternative that multiplies the benefits.
AR.- How would you define the automotive sector in La Rioja?
D.R.- It is a very important sector, in terms of representativeness it is even more important than wine, but it is characterised by being an innovative and avant-garde sector, the most attractive sector for young talent wishing to develop a professional career in our region.
AR.- At AutoRevista we believe that La Rioja is a favourable environment for digitalisation projects, the proliferation of start-ups and closer connections with technology centres. Do you agree with this perspective?
D.R.- I agree with this consideration. The industrial GDP of La Rioja is one of the highest in the country and industry is the best breeding ground for start-ups and technology centres to grow or develop their activity.
AR.- How have relations between the automotive cluster in La Rioja and its counterparts in other regions changed over the last fifteen years?
D.R.- Much closer. We all have the same goal, which is to improve the competitiveness of companies and with the pandemic and the emergence of the culture of virtual meetings, it has allowed us to increase the number of joint projects in order to work in favour of our partner companies.
AR.- Which initiatives, of all the ones you have launched, do you consider most relevant for the history of the cluster?
D.R.- It is difficult to choose one, but perhaps it is the Autostartup project, which in 2019 was recognised as the best national collaborative project, and which in 2024 celebrated its fourth edition, and we are already working on next year's edition.
AR.- Which of them do you feel most personally linked to?
D.R.- All those that have ended up going ahead after a personal commitment. It's difficult to choose one in particular.
AR.- What about the pandemic, was it a turning point for the cluster?
D.R.- I would say that the pandemic changed the way we worked, but not the work or the purpose itself. I believe that the cluster was strengthened in the eyes of its partners because of the work and effort it took to work in that situation. It is also true that since then we have increased the number of new projects and actions carried out, so it can be said that, yes, it was a turning point for the cluster, but a positive one because it improved the perception of the partner companies.
AR.- How do you think the cluster is perceived in the eyes of Riojan companies and how would you like it to be perceived?
D.R.- We have been working for many years with a clear goal in mind: to have a team of professionals with whom we can work tirelessly to gain the trust of our partner companies as the only way to be able to take on increasingly large-scale projects. We have to continue working to maintain this trust.
We have been working for many years with a team of professionals to gain the trust of the partner companies as the only way to be able to take on larger and larger projects
AR.- The same question, but with regard to your counterparts in other regions: How do you think the cluster is perceived in the eyes of other Spanish automotive clusters?
D.R.- We encourage collaboration between our partners, so we are the first to ‘lead by example’ and we like to collaborate for all the enrichment that this entails. Therefore, I would like to be perceived as a good partner with whom I can share experiences and with whom I can count on when it comes to launching joint initiatives.
AR.- The lack of talent is one of the most pressing problems for the sector today. What advice would you give to your associates in this area?
D.R.- Indeed, the shortage of talent is one of the major problems that the sector is facing, but more than advice, I would encourage them to continue supporting the initiatives that we have active in the cluster to retain the current talent and attract/attract the little talent available to our sector.
AR.- What does the short, medium and long-term future look like for the fabric of La Rioja?
D.R.- The automotive industry is facing an unparalleled moment of transformation. In the long term, it is highly unlikely that the industry will be able to continue manufacturing in the same way as it is doing right now. We are obliged to do our best to achieve transformation now, so that there can be a prosperous future for the sector.
If there is to be a long-term prosperous future for the sector, and thus for the economy of the region, we must act along these lines in the immediate future
AR.- And where does the future lie for the automotive cluster in La Rioja?
D.R.- We are on the threshold of a difficult few years for the sector, not only in our region, but also for the country and for Europe. In a sector as mature as the automotive industry, and therefore for our cluster, the only way forward is to be competitive and create a favourable environment for companies to develop their activity. If we want a prosperous long-term future for the sector, and therefore for the region's economy, we must act along these lines in the immediate future.
Lea esta entrevista en castellano
Interview published in AutoRevista 2.394
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