The increasing choice of vehicle for the end customer is driving new solutions in the interior of the vehicle as a key factor in the purchase decision. In addition, new challenges are posed in terms of sustainability, comfort and safety. Article published in AutoRevista 2.396.
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Antolin' s innovation work aims to contribute from the inside to the development of safer, more comfortable and environmentally friendly cars, responding to the needs of customers. "This involves research into areas such as thermal comfort, health through air purification and surface disinfection, safety using the potential of functional lighting, as well as sustainability with natural and recyclable materials. In addition, connectivity and digitalisation make it possible to go further by developing an intelligent interior that automatically adjusts to the specific needs of each person and interacts with the environment, other vehicles and the infrastructure itself", they say.
On the other hand, and given the increase in competitors in the market following the emergence of Chinese brands, AutoRevista has asked Antolin if they consider that the interior of the vehicle will be a decisive scenario when it comes to influencing the final customer's purchasing option. In this sense, they assure that the interior is already being decisive in the purchase. "You only need to see the manufacturers' commitment to offering a more comfortable interior focused on the needs of passengers with advanced designs that want to offer a travel experience that makes a difference. As the electric vehicle consolidates its presence in the market, we will see that the interior will become more important as an element of differentiation for brands to the detriment of engines", they indicate. Finally, in relation to how the incorporation of new electronic devices, sensors, screens (many of them large) and other elements related to connectivity will continue to influence the development of the interior of the vehicle, they say that as experts in technological solutions for the interior of the vehicle, they become integrators of these sensors, screens and other electronic devices in their traditional products with the aim of improving the user experience and meeting the strict requirements of the automotive sector. “The joint development improves habitability through our intelligent design that optimizes the structure of all the components involved”, they conclude.
For their part, persiSKIN and in relation to the demands of vehicle manufacturers on issues such as sustainable materials, acoustic and thermal comfort, and attractive design at competitive costs, they tell us that manufacturers are asking them for help to improve the sustainability and comfort of their vehicles, without forgetting that their processes are more efficient and competitive. “In addition, we are working on innovation lines focused on thermal comfort management and plant-based materials, such as persiSKIN AUTO, created from surplus persimmon harvest, in collaboration with Antolin”, the company concludes.
En la jornada del 20 de enero AutoRevista ha reunido en IFEMA a cuatro expertos en Compras, responsables de esta área en Antolin, Ford, Renault y SEAT/CUPRA para debatir en torno a la evolución de este departamento y su relación con la cadena de valor. La mesa redonda, organizada en IFEMA MADRID, ha contado con Advanced Manufacturing, Motortec y Pöppelman, en calidad de colaboradores.
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Es fundamental que las empresas garanticen la formación adecuada de sus equipos para operar con seguridad en entornos de alta tensión, ya que una mala práctica puede derivar en riesgos personales y materiales innecesarios y elevados costes para las organizaciones", señala Ricardo Duarte, Local Stream Manager de TÜV Rheinland. En línea con su compromiso de mejorar la seguridad y la cualificación en el sector, TÜV Rheinland Academy ha lanzado su nuevo Catálogo de Formación y Certificación de competencias específicas para la Seguridad en el trabajo desarrollados en Vehículos Eléctricos.
Se cumplen dos años dede la inauguración de Mobility City, el 20 de febrero de 2023, por parte del Rey Felipe VI.
De esta manera, la compañía busca una mejor adecuación a la demanda del mercado a medio y corto plazo.Todas las furgonetas Mercedes-Benz de nuevo desarrollo se basarán en la nueva plataforma modular yflexible “Van Architecture”.