The international aspect of the 2nd Green Hydrogen Congress Green Hydrogen Congress was represented by the German state of Baden-Württemberg, with a large stand and a presentation in the parallel conference programme, which also included a presentation by the Spanish technology centre CIDAUT.
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For Isabell Knüttgen, Director for New Mobility and Automotive Solutions of the State Agency of the German region of Baden-Württemberg, ‘Spain is an important player in the hydrogen the hydrogen economy and we share many interests. For this reason, the state government of Baden-Württemberg has in the last few years promoted the economic relations with Spanish companies in recent years.. For example, with politically backed delegation trips to Andalusia, which led to the aforementioned cooperation agreement and an action plan. action plan. The agreement aims to contribute to boosting the expansion of hydrogen in both countries, to promote technological development and support the creation of industrial value in Europe.
By participating in the congress with a strong business delegation of five companies (EKPO, Mehrer Compressions, Goetze, EBZ, Herco Water Solutions), ‘we have brought the action plan to life’. In detail, the German delegation consisted of EKPO, a joint venture of the German and French suppliers ElringKlinger and Plastic Omnium that develops and produces fuel cells for various applications, mainly in mobility (maritime, rail, trucks); EBZ: a mechanical engineering company that has recently entered the market with its AEL-Stack cell and system; Herco Wassertechnik, a specialist in water treatment plants for, for example, electrolysis; Mehrer Compression, dedicated to compressors; and Goetze KG, with competence in valves for the entire hydrogen value chain.
‘Our connections and good cooperation with the Andalusian hydrogen cluster were very supportive. The Baden-Württemberg industry has a high level of expertise as a technology provider in the hydrogen economy along the entire value chain. As the innovation agency of the state of Baden-Württemberg - e-mobil BW - we have been coordinating the Baden-Württemberg fuel cell and hydrogen cluster for more than 10 years. More than 260 companies and research institutions are organised here. Technology is the key factor in developing projects,’ explains the Baden-Württemberg representative.
Knüttgen adds: ‘In addition to electrification, hydrogen drives are necessary to meet climate protection targets in transport, especially in heavy-duty transport. As a relevant territory in the field of fuel cells, Baden-Württemberg has excellent know-how along the entire value chain. Many companies have their roots in the automotive industry and are expanding their portfolio to include hydrogen components. One of the exhibitors at our joint stand here in Huelva manufactures fuel cells for mobile applications’.
Finally, he notes that ‘the assessment of the congress from our business delegation with five exhibiting companies was very good. Many of the companies are already active in the Spanish market and were able to maintain their customer relations, but also to make new contacts. The congress was an ideal place for targeted networking’.
Also in the parallel programme of the Congress, Juan Ignacio Domínguez, Head of Energy Business Development at CIDAUT, presented the AIHRE project, promoted by nine entities with the aim of establishing a technological and business network to take advantage of the renewable hydrogen generation potential in Spain and Portugal. This network will boost the economic potential of the POCTEP region (Operational Programme for Cross-Border Cooperation between Spain and Portugal) around the renewable hydrogen value chain.
In the exhibition area as Tresca, consultancy and industrial engineering, showed its vision on topics such as ‘Towards a circular economy. Renewable ammonia and its role in global sustainability'. The commercial and business development director, Raúl Rodríguez Parra, argued the value and role of renewable ammonia and its essential role in the decarbonisation of transport and industry. He highlighted the importance of this compound in the de-fossilisation of key sectors of industry and transport and how green ammonia can offer a viable and efficient alternative to traditional fossil fuels’.
La vertiente internacional del II Congreso del Hidrógeno Verde tuvo un singular exponente con la representación del Estado alemán de Baden-Würtemberg, con un amplio stand y una presentación en el programa paralelo de conferencias, en el que también hubo una presentación del centro tecnológico español CIDAUT.
El evento ha contado con la participación de trabajadoras de las tres empresas mencionadas, quienes compartieron sus experiencias y conocimientos con alumnos de 2º, 3º y 4º de la ESO (13-16 años) de los distintos centros educativos del Valle de Buelna.
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Se fabrica en la planta desde 2021 y desde entonces se han vendido más de 130.000 unidades en todo el mundo.