The expectation of MOVEM's possible synergies has become a reality. Three companies give their views on the future of the entity in this report originally published in issue 2399 of the print edition of AutoRevista.
FAE (Francisco Albero, S.A.U.), a company specialising in electrical and electronic products for different sectors such as the automotive industry, firmly believes in the inter-sectoral collaboration proposed by MOVEM ‘and in the value of integrating the main clusters in this initiative’. As for what it means for his company to be part of MOVEM, what synergies or benefits membership has for them and what are the margins for improvement of the initiative, he says that ‘for a company like FAE, whose main product is the lambda probes, which help to control and reduce emissions, betting on MOVEM, whose goal is climate neutrality and improving the welfare of people, is a natural synergy’.
Regarding investment, they explain that ‘investment is always a matter of debate and difficult to assess until the results are seen. What is clear is that, in order to move forward, investment is essential. The future demands innovation, and the greater the interrelationship between the pillars of the country's automotive industry, the faster we will reach our objectives’.
Ignacio López, Associate Director in the Engineering Division at Robert Walters Barcelona, a global talent solutions firm, says that ‘MOVEM has proven to be a key initiative to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable and connected mobility in Catalonia. In a short time, it has managed to unite key players in the sector and generate much-needed collaborative dynamics to face the challenges ahead. The clusters involved have played a key role in this process, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and ensuring that innovation does not remain only in the theoretical realm, but is translated into concrete projects. From the perspective of the labour market, this type of initiative helps to energise the ecosystem and generate new professional opportunities, which is essential at a time of transformation and uncertainty such as the one we are experiencing’.
As for the type of employment that can be generated with this type of initiative, he says that ‘the interesting thing about initiatives such as MOVEM is that they not only generate employment in established sectors, but also foster the emergence of new professional profiles’. He adds that ‘on the one hand, there is a high demand for engineers specialised in electric mobility, batteries and charging networks, but also in software, cybersecurity and data analysis, because the digitalisation of mobility is a key aspect. At the same time, we see an increase in the need for skilled technicians to install and maintain infrastructures. And then there is everything related to regulation, sustainability and project management. Companies and institutions need profiles that can interpret the regulatory framework, design financing strategies and accompany the development of these solutions in the market. In short, we are talking about a transversal transformation that has an impact on many areas of employment’.
In this sense, he explains that "if we look at the type of talent that the sector is demanding for these projects, we see several key areas. Engineering remains the key pillar, especially when it comes to electrification and energy efficiency. Electrical, electronic and mechanical engineers specialising in batteries and energy storage are essential for the development of the charging network. There is also a strong demand for software and connectivity experts, because mobility is not only changing on an energy level, but also on a digital level. Charge management systems, integration with renewable energies and process automation require specialised IT profiles. On a more technical level, installers and maintainers of charging infrastructures are in demand, which is a field with great growth potential. And we cannot forget the profiles focused on strategy and sustainability, which help to define viable business models aligned with current regulations", he points out.
Finally, and in relation to whether Robert Walters considers that the investment earmarked for the initiative is adequate, he comments that ‘the seven million euros of investment is a positive first step, but if we want MOVEM to have a real and lasting impact, this figure must be accompanied by a clear strategy and more investment in the medium and long term’.
Thus, in his opinion, for the initiative to really work, it is key that the private sector and public institutions work together in three main areas: training and capacity building, infrastructure and attracting investment. In terms of education and training, López believes that ‘without the right talent, any technological advance will remain a dead letter. It is essential to invest in training programmes that prepare professionals for the new challenges of the sector and that adapt to what companies really need’.
On the other hand, and with regard to infrastructure, he assures that ‘the charging network is a critical factor for the adoption of electric vehicles. It is not enough to install charging points, we must ensure that they are accessible, efficient and sustainable’. With regard to the third vector, attracting investment, he believes that ‘MOVEM has the potential to make Catalonia a European benchmark in sustainable mobility, but to do so, we need to attract private capital and generate incentives for companies to continue investing in the region. I believe that the initial investment is important, but what will really determine how it is managed and how it is complemented by other sources of funding and development strategies’, he concludes.
Alejandro Valdovinos, Director of Institutional Relations and Prescription Spain and Portugal at Circontrol, a company specialised in integral solutions for electrical energy efficiency, comments that ‘MOVEM is a relatively new entity as a meeting point for different associations and clusters that want to promote different types of mobility at a time when we are at a disruptive point and also located in Catalonia where traditionally the automotive world, motorbikes and their auxiliary companies have represented and represent an important part of the GDP’.
As a member of CEEC from Circutor and CIATC from Circontrol, Valdovinos explains that ‘we are convinced that there is an important margin for manoeuvre in indirectly belonging to MOVEM, as until now, we have had little direct dialogue and we could get much more out of it as a company that is part of two founding entities and that collaborates with some others’.
He adds that ‘in MOVEM's founding pact there are nine well-established entities, and several of them carry out events to promote electromobility. It is difficult to coordinate nine organisations with different sensitivities and sometimes conflicting interests. We should try to find common projects for two or three associations and take advantage of this budget allocation, which is very important to give them visibility. Apparently only one entity is involved at the executive level in terms of providing projects, which is its main handicap, and the next steps should be to actively involve more associations and this involves giving real visibility to their projects’.
La expectación ante las posibles sinergias de MOVEM en una realidad. Tres empresas exponen sus impresiones en cuanto al futuro de la entidad en este reportaje publicado originalmente en el número 2399 de la edición impresa de AutoRevista.
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