EV Revolution (2 and 3 April at Mobility City in Zaragoza) is a unique event in Spain. Promoted by the Automotive and Mobility Cluster of Aragon (CAAR), in collaboration with the Automotive Cluster of Navarre (ACAN) and the support of five other clusters (AEI Rioja, AVIA and Comunidad Valenciana, CEAGA of Galicia, CIAC of Catalonia and GIRA Cantabria), it delves into the electric vehicle, in a realistic way, with an expert firm such as A2MAC1.
Representing A2MAC1, Jean-Marie Reveille, expert in Automotive Competitive Analysis, Guillaume Morelle, Technical Account Manager, and Robert Matta, Costing & Insights Engineer, answer our questions. Lea esta entrevista en castellano.
AutoRevista.- What aspects continue to make the difference at an event like EV Revolution and what is the new A2MAC1 value proposition for this year's edition?
A2MAC1.- An event like EV Revolution is key to synchronize members of EV ecosystem on data evolving at a critical pace. From suppliers to consumers, decisions are to be made on shorter and shorter terms based on consistent market/technology insights. And A2MAC1 is focused on delivering such insights supporting the decisions of our partners.
AR.- What goals has A2MAC1 set for the EV Revolution 2025 and can we foresee the continuity of the event in Spain for a long time?
A2MAC1.- 2025 edition is set to assess the maturity achieved by EV market. Just a couple of years ago, a lot of commercial and technological goals were set by the players in the EV industry but reality challenged them and we will assess the lesson leanrt and the current situation to prepare for the next milestones.
Some of them directly involving Spain yet again demonstrated its attractiveness, quality and resilience as an industry and as a market. So yes, our collaboration with the Spanish ecosystem will continue.
AR.- What is the current state of play in the evolution of different types of batteries (NMC, LFP, etc.) and which one is likely to dominate in the coming years?
A2MAC1.- Currently, Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) batteries are expected to dominate the mass-market electric vehicle (EV) segment due to their cost-effectiveness and superior safety profile. Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC) batteries are likely to remain the preferred choice for premium and high-performance vehicles, where energy density takes precedence over cost.
A notable trend is the growing adoption of mid-nickel chemistries, which aim to strike a balance between energy density, performance, and material costs.
Solid-state batteries, while still in the development phase, have the potential to significantly disrupt the market if they can be scaled successfully—offering substantial gains in energy density, charging speed, and safety.
Regionally, LFP is currently leading the Chinese market, while the U.S. and European markets still rely heavily on NMC. However, LFP is rapidly gaining ground in these regions. In cost-sensitive markets across Asia, including emerging EV segments, both LFP and sodium-ion technologies are likely to see increased adoption.
AR.- One of the themes of the programme is Europe versus China: what is the technological gap between China and not only Europe, but also other players such as Japan, South Korea and the United States?
A2MAC1.- China is not behind, it is ahead, even if its vehicles are often heavier than those of its competitors. It is innovating, inventing ADAS which, even if they are useless, are a great way of communicating. The only question is their viability.
AR: What are the keys to ensuring the success of Europe's gigafactories at a time when the evolution of the 100% electric vehicle is slower than expected?
A2MAC1.- The EV volumes are not here. For European OEMs, the fear is that the Chinese will set up gigafactories in Europe.
AR.- Hybrids continue to play an important role in this evolution and some brands are even talking about super hybrids. What is the likely impact on the development of electrified solutions?
A2MAC1 - We don't know, Europe's withdrawal from fossil fuels is not going to change much. The real solution is EVs in the next 20 years. If we want to decarbonise, we have to electrify.
La 29ª edición del Congreso de Calidad en Automoción, organizado por la Asociación Española de la Calidad (AEC en Valladolid, el 27 de marzo, abordó la interconexión de personas, procesos y productivos, como combinación esencial para la futura competitividad del sector. Una información de Luis Miguel González.
El sector vasco de automoción, a pesar de la situación de desaceleración, mantuvo el nivel del 2023 con una facturación ligeramente superior de 25.349 millones de euros, un 1,3% más que en el ejercicio anterior. Esta cifra no contempla el peso específico de Mercedes Benz Vitoria.
El continente asiático estará representado en la próxima edición de la feria organizada por Ifema Madrid del 23 al 26 de abril de 2025, por más de 120 empresas, que ocuparán una superficie total de más de 1.400 metros cuadrados.
Livan, marca perteneciente al Grupo Geely y comercializada en España por el Grupo Invicta Motor, aumenta su gama con la llegada del nuevo Livan X6 Pro, un modelo que combina un estilo elegante y moderno, con la comodidad y el espacio interior de su carrocería SUV de 4,53 metros de largo.
Carta del Director de AutoRevista 2.400