

Mariluz Villamor (BAM): “Estamos convencidos de alcanzar ventaja competitiva y acelerar la transformación tecnológico-digital”

A finales de 2023, se anunciaba la creación de un nuevo centro llamado a ser referente en tecnologías de fabricación avanzadas para automoción, El Basque Automotive Manufacturing Center (BAM) nace como un núcleo de testeo de tecnologías y un marco propicio para la innovación colaborativa de alto nivel, cuya vanguardista sede estará operativa a finales de 2025. Nos lo cuenta su CEO, Mariluz Villamor. Luis Miguel González. Fotos/Photos: BAM

Mariluz Villamor (BAM): ‘We are convinced of achieving a competitive advantage and accelerating the technological-digital transformation’

At the end of 2023, the creation of a new centre called to be a benchmark in advanced manufacturing technologies for the automotive industry was announced. The Basque Automotive Manufacturing Center (BAM) was created as a technology testing centre and a favourable framework for high-level collaborative innovation, whose avant-garde headquarters will be operational by the end of 2025. Its CEO, Mariluz Villamor, tells us about it.

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