Javier Martínez-Aldama (AEI Automoción La Rioja): "We must accelerate our journey in collaborating with disparate entities"

Javier Martínez-Aldama (AEI Automoción La Rioja): "We must accelerate our journey in collaborating with disparate entities"

Javier Martines Aldama
Javier Martínez-Aldama, president of AEI Automoción La Rioja and CEO of Nidec Arisa.

AutoRevista.- What is the current positioning of the Riojan fabric to respond to the challenges of the automotive and mobility transformation?


Javier Martínez-Aldama.- The paradigm shift in mobility is causing radical changes, not only in the concept of the light vehicle, but is also creating different needs and expectations in individuals. Regulatory change and opinion-forming have caused, and will inexorably continue to cause, a drastic change in traditional propulsion systems based on the various combustion engine solutions. These modifications will mean either the disappearance of elements or complete circuits (such as engine blocks or exhaust circuit elements), or a drastic change in the raw materials and processes needed to manufacture their products (ultra-high yield strength steels, aluminium, new elastomers, etc.), with the result that a significant part of the network of component manufacturers are currently manufacturing elements or developing processes that have an expiry date. All of this means that the sector is facing possibly the biggest revolution in its history.

The position of companies in La Rioja is clear: to work in an innovative and flexible way to adapt their services, processes and products to the new needs of the sector. The emergence of new players, both as potential customers and as real competitors, is a fact. Therefore, now more than ever, open collaboration between traditional companies, as well as with other actors such as technology centres, research centres or technological start-ups, is vital to be able to turn threats into opportunities, increase competitiveness and increase our presence in the market.


AR.-  How is the cluster working on enhancing internal cooperation with universities, technology centres and companies, and on the development of start-ups in the framework of the AutoStartup project?


J.M.A.-  Clusters have proven to be, at the same time, the best forum for sharing knowledge and experiences. More importantly, they are also the best instrument for successful collaborative actions in the face of common challenges. Specifically, our cluster tries to be "that glue" between different entities and companies, generating communication spaces, consortiums, and promoting and leading projects. 

In the specific case of universities and research centres, we have an enormous added challenge in the form of a shortage of new talent. This obliges us more than ever to try to work together to address this problem. A clear example is the Autostartup project, which was born in 2019 with the spirit of generating a working framework where the traditional company opens its doors to small startups so that they can analyse and provide innovative solutions, even risky ones, in the search for process improvement. The best projects or ideas are financially rewarded by the cluster. In 2023 we are celebrating the third edition and we believe that this is one of the most successful projects we have undertaken, even receiving national recognition in 2019 for the best collaborative project.


AR.-  Is the cluster cooperating with entities beyond the borders of La Rioja?


J.M.A.-  Yes, among our collaborating partners (entities that provide high added value services to the automotive industry), several are from other Spanish regions, but it is important to highlight the work that is being done jointly with other Spanish automotive clusters, promoting very important collaborative projects and actions, such as the forum of excellence, which has become an ideal scenario for open knowledge transfer between companies. Or the market monitoring systems, which allow members to keep up to date on market trends, prepared by analysis entities that are a global benchmark and which would be almost impossible to access on an individual basis.


It is important to highlight the work being done jointly with other Spanish automotive clusters, promoting very important collaborative projects and actions, such as the forum of excellence


AR.-  Could you give us an assessment of the dynamics of the innovation routes that the cluster has been promoting in recent years?


J.M.A.-  The success of the cluster is to provide a response as quickly as possible or, preferably, to anticipate the needs or problems of the sector's processes. This is the roadmap we have been working on over the last few years. Another of the most positive aspects is that the cluster is allowing us to raise our sights and broaden our day-to-day horizons; getting to know the processes and understanding how other actors in the market deal with different or similar problems.


AR.- What actions are you carrying out to attract and retain talent?


J.M.A.- This is one of the biggest problems facing companies today. Both attracting and retaining talent is becoming a real challenge. The cluster is currently promoting a remuneration study of the industrial sector in La Rioja and the competitive environment that will allow us to objectify such an important aspect as remuneration, in the hope that it will prove to be an effective tool for the HR departments of the different companies.


Another of the actions we are working on consists of trying to approach future generations in their earliest stages so that they can get to know the sector from the inside, thus eliminating any mistaken prejudices, and to be able to show the possibilities of developing professional careers with the profiles demanded by the sector.


AR.- Are you carrying out dynamics of cooperation, cohesion and synergies between the companies in the cluster? Do you see possibilities in the short term in the expansion of your associates?


J.M.A.-  As we have already mentioned, these dynamics, actions or projects between companies are our main Reason to being .Countless actions have been developed over the last few years, and this is one of the reasons why, since our constitution 14 years ago, no industrial company has ever decided to stop being part of the cluster.


At the moment we bring together practically all the industrial companies in La Rioja related in one way or another to the sector. So, in this aspect, the margin for growth is very limited. Where there is room for growth is in the incorporation of collaborating entities that form part, directly or indirectly, of our ecosystem.

We currently bring together practically all the industrial companies in La Rioja that are related in one way or another to the sector


AR.- Are you currently cooperating with the regional government in order to promote new ways of strengthening the automotive sector?


J.M.A.- The regional government has been strongly supporting the cluster and the actions we promote for eight years. This has enabled us to continuously tackle new actions, initiatives and lines of work, making us, thanks to this support, a benchmark entity in our region. We trust that, based on the good results obtained, we will be able to continue in the same line of work with the regional government.


The regional government has been strongly supporting the cluster and the actions we promote for the last eight years


AR: Could you tell us about your projects and strategic plans for the medium and long term? 


J.M.A.-  I think I am not discovering anything new if I say that we are at a time of radical change. Not only in terms of the emergence of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, but also in terms of demographic issues, such as the inversion of the population pyramid or the challenge of migration. Or the impact of a new regulatory framework in environmental matters that is so radical that it will change the foundations of our model of society in the coming years.


The only guarantee of survival and, of course, of development, is to show mental flexibility


As with all moments throughout history that have been considered a revolution, whether social or technological, the only guarantee of survival and, of course, of development, is to show mental flexibility. An acceptance of change which, in my opinion, is the main challenge not only for our organisations, but also for our society.


In this context, one's own traditional habits and knowledge are no longer the levers of success and should only be considered as references. Collaboration between disparate entities developing initiatives in completely different fields has proven to be the main driver of solutions. We must accelerate our progress along this path, at least as much or more as the changes and uncertainties in our environment are accelerating. That is why we are working on initiatives to develop new materials and processes; on the consolidation of forums for open collaboration among our associates, on the development of new relationships and opportunities with entities outside our environment (emerging or already consolidated), and on attracting new talent. And all of this not only within, but above all, outside our geographical limits. The development of initiatives through this channel is the main strategic challenge ahead of us.


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Interview published in AutoRevista 2.386



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