Each year, the renowned French society of engineers “Ingénieurs Arts et Métiers”, recognizes an outstanding member of its community for their achievements. Frédéric Lissalde was chosen as the winner of this year’s Nessim Habif award in honor of his international professional accomplishments in the automotive industry. He will join the likes of Robert Oppenheimer and Jean-François Dehecq, who are among the previous winners of this award.
“I am very honored to receive such recognition here in Paris”, said Lissalde, President and Chief Executive Officer, BorgWarner. “The Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers has provided me with a solid foundation for a successful and diverse career, and I want to encourage our youth to always strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives, whatever path they may choose.”
The award ceremony was held in collaboration with French industry associations Club Auto and Cercle La Rochefoucauld on March 6 at the Hotel des Arts et Métiers in Paris. High-ranking representatives from science and industry attended the event, which was opened with a speech by Frédéric Lissalde.
Since the Nessim Habif award was established back in 1962, it has been awarded to more than 35 personalities from the world of science and industry.
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