Josef Schulze Sutthoff (IZB): “We power partnerships with a strong focus on dialogue”
The event will take place from 22 to 24 October 2024 in Wolfsburg (Germany)

Josef Schulze Sutthoff (IZB): “We power partnerships with a strong focus on dialogue”

Josef Schulze Sutthoff 2
Josef Schulze Sutthoff, Head of the IZB at Wolfsburg AG


In the interview, Josef Schulze Sutthoff, Head of the IZB at Wolfsburg AG, talks about the challenges of the industry and the innovations at the International Suppliers Fair 2024.


AutoRevista.- Electrification, digitalisation and environmental targets are still the main drivers of transformation in the automotive industry. What does this mean for suppliers?


Josef Schulze Sutthoff.- It tends to mean that traditional suppliers have long since gone from being component providers to increasingly becoming developers in their own right. At the same time, advances in electrification and digitalisation are ushering new supplier groups into the automotive value chain. Against the backdrop of ever shorter innovation cycles, this makes even stronger networking a necessity – from development to after sales. The OEMs are also of the same view, increasingly relying on development partnerships with suppliers. The basis for this is a deliberate and goal-oriented dialogue, which informs both sides about needs at an early stage and comes up with solutions.


Against the backdrop of ever shorter innovation cycles, this makes even stronger networking a necessity – from development to after sales


AR.- Will this transformation be explored at the IZB?


J.S.S.- Most definitely. The key topic of this year’s IZB is “Empowering Partnerships”. It underscores the significance of exchange and cooperations towards developing innovative solutions more rapidly and bringing them onto the market. In this context, Volkswagen for the first time has a greater presence at the IZB as an exhibitor. As many as four stands, so-called Volkswagen Group Hubs, are planned to focus on Interior & Exterior, Electronics & Connectivity, Powertrain & Battery and Metal, Car Body & Chassis. Group representatives from procurement and technical development are together here on site. It goes hand in hand with expanding the circle of IZB patrons to include Kai Grünitz, Member of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Brand responsible for “Technical Development”. Joined by his team, he will actively facilitate the dialogue on the future direction of the industry.


AR.- Is the opportunity to engage in dialogue limited to the Volkswagen Group Hubs? 


J.S.S.- The Hubs are only one part. They are flanked by guided tours, along with public panels and workshops, to enhance the dialogue. The home base for this is the IZB Connecting Area. This is where presentations and discussion rounds will take place throughout the entire IZB, with representatives from Volkswagen and exhibitors. As a highlight on the third day of the trade fair, the topics of the individual Volkswagen Hubs will be addressed, recapping the core elements of the themes discussed at the stands. 


AR.- How has the resonance been among the exhibitors thus far?


J.S.S.- To date, 95 percent of the available exhibition space, totalling some 38,000 square metres, has been filled. Bookings of the remaining areas accelerated in the 2nd quarter. We have seen the continued trend of many exhibitors booking larger spaces. As usual, there is a high percentage of international participation in the exhibitor mix. Especially from Spain, traditionally one of the nations most prominently represented at the IZB, we have already had registrations from roughly 40 exhibitors. I warmly invite all those who are interested to discover the trends in the industry and the contributions of suppliers at the IZB in Wolfsburg. 


AR.- Mr Schulze Sutthoff, you have been Head of the IZB since 2022. What it is that you personally are looking forward to in particular?


J.S.S.- First of all, I am pleased that my team and I are hosting the event again on behalf of Wolfsburg AG. I am curious to see the innovations submitted by the exhibitors in innovations@izb. And more personally, I am interested in solutions or business models surrounding the topic of circular economy. The design and use of materials in this way is becoming increasingly important and requires early and in-depth interaction of all stakeholders. It is an exciting topic and an economic factor bearing serious relevance – not only in the future.


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Interview published in AutoRevista 2.394



   IZB 2024 to intensify cooperation between OEMs and suppliers
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