AutoRevista. ‘What are the biggest attractions of this new edition in terms of direct contact with experts and the experience of interacting with an exploded electric model?’
David Romeral Molina.- The biggest incentive is that, for the first time in Spain, we are going to have a 100% electric model, completely broken down, which will allow the visitor to know, compare and understand the differences that many parts have between the combustion versions and the electrified ones. Except for the chemical part of the batteries, which for security reasons cannot be exhibited, but information on which will be given during the event, with a little time and knowledge, we could assemble the vehicle and leave the Palacio de Congresos with it.
I also think it is important to highlight that, through the different talks, information will be updated on the state of art of the Electromobility market, its opportunities and risks, and the "state of the art" will be presented with the latest technological developments in regarding batteries (chemistry, architecture) and electric propulsion systems (e- powertrain).
For the first time in Spain, we are going to have a 100% electric model, completely broken down (David Romeral Molina, CAAR)
Juan Carlos Dueñas.- The incentive is to have an electric car with which component manufacturers will be able to observe important aspects such as the materials used, the geometries of the parts and the joining technologies applied to join the different components. Another point to highlight is the mixed format of conferences and physical visit of the vehicle that will allow the visitor to contrast the information of the conferences with the reality of the vehicle exhibited in pieces. This will allow the visitor to obtain very valuable information to apply in future projects. Lastly, the incentive is that it is going to be a very important national exhibition where it will be possible to observe the future trends of electric mobility and where the TIER 1 with the decision centre outside of Spain will be informed of this event. and thus it is possible to put Aragón at the centre of electromobility.
Juan Carlos Dueñas, Vice President of the CAAR.
AR.- What profile of attendees do you expect? Do you hope to attract representatives from other OEMs as well as from other members of the electric vehicle value chain?
D.R.M- We believe that this event will be of interest both to the Engineering or R&D departments, due to the technical information that will be provided, as well as to the Business Development area or to those responsible for SMEs, who will receive information updated market information, trends and forecasts, which can help them define their roadmaps to face the challenges of electromobility. And finally, another of our target audiences are Technological Centres and Universities, for whom we believe this event can also help identify or strengthen lines of research in certain components of electric vehicles.
J.C.D.- As David has commented, this event is interesting for the R&D departments and I’ll add that the TIER 1s located in Spain, whose R&D centres are abroad, we have to work to get those responsible to come to see this event because many of the new projects that may appear in the future depend on what type of product the OEMs want to put on the market. From the point of view of operations, it is important for those responsible for manufacturing because they can see the type of components and all the joining processes that are carried out, as well as the materials used.
AR.- How do you think that the consolidation of this event can contribute to a greater boost for Aragón as an electric vehicle hub, both in terms of production and sustainable mobility?
D.R.M- Perhaps the important thing about this type of event is not that they position a region, in this case Aragon, as an electric vehicle hub, but rather that it allows companies located in our country to acquire knowledge and improve their products so that Spain continues being a leading country in the manufacture of automobiles. Hence the collaboration in this event with the automotive clusters of Cantabria, Catalonia, Castile and León, Galicia, La Rioja, Navarra and Valencia, which are helping us to spread the word about the event, and with whom I am sure, after collecting all this information, we will launch a specific project that allows us to continue increasing the competitiveness of our companies.
David Romeral Molina, Managing Director of the CAAR.
J.C.D- The important thing about this type of event is to be able to value the capacity that we have at the Aragon and Spain level to adapt to new mobility technologies and, in turn, the capacity that we have to be able to spread knowledge to component manufacturers and SMEs from so that they are aware of the new opportunities that are generated. Having an event of these characteristics and with the mixed conference/electric car exhibition format is truly an opportunity for us to adapt faster and better to electromobility.
The important thing about this type of event is to be able to value the capacity that we have at the Aragon and Spain level to adapt to new mobility technologies (Juan Carlos Dueñas, CAAR)
AR.- How is the event going to contribute to making the reality of the electric vehicle in Spain visible?
D.R.M.- We would like to highlight that battery factories continually appear in the media and the importance they have for the development of the Spanish industry if we want to be leaders in the manufacture of electrified cars. But there is a great forgotten: electric motors. Almost two million combustion engines per year were manufactured in Spain in the last decade. Now these electric motors are coming from outside of Spain. Can we do something to manufacture them here? It is for them that one of the sessions will focus exclusively on the latest technological trends of the "e- powertrain" and what its "cost drivers" are.
J.C.D.- A very important point is how the value chain is reoriented from the combustion car to the electric car if it is going to be internalised in Europe or if we continue to depend on Asia. And finally, an important point is the need for electronic circuits, which is increasing both in the electric car itself and in specific applications for car diagnosis.
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