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CLEPA organises the 16th edition of its event "Materials, Regulations and Sustainability" on 27-28 June

CLEPA organises the 16th edition of its event "Materials, Regulations and Sustainability" on 27-28 June

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The event provides high-level networking opportunities to share ideas with industry partners.

CLEPA is organising the 16th edition of its "Materials, Regulations and Sustainability" event on 27-28 June. In one of its flagship events, the European automotive suppliers' association brings together representatives from the global automotive industry to review and discuss key regulatory dossiers and initiatives in materials and substances, as well as supply chain sustainability and corporate social responsibility.


The #CLEPAMRS2024 is defined as a two-day face-to-face meeting with high-level representatives from across the automotive supply chain. It provides high-level networking opportunities to share ideas with industry partners. A wide range of topics are discussed: chemical restrictions, sustainability reporting requirements, circular economy and much more...


On 27 June, the opening session, 9:00 to 9:10, will be led by Benjamin Krieger, Secretary General of CLEPA. Then, also on behalf of the association, Paolo Alburno and Umberto Fassero will present the activities of the association on the theme of the event. Marco Buczilowski (Forvia / CLEPA) will then speak on "A Great Deal Too Much".


After a break, at 10:30, Beatriz Ildefonso, Head of Circularity and Materials of CLEPA, will moderate the round table "PFAS: challenges and solutions for the automotive sector" with the participation of Daniel Kruff (Continental / CLEPA), Phillippe Rolland (Renault Group / ACEA), Ronald Bock (AGC Chemicals Europe / Plastics Europe) and Carl A. Dannenberg (Federal Office for Chemicals - BAuA, Germany), At 13:00, the block "Regulation of end-of-life vehicles: the future of circularity in automotive", also moderated by Beatriz Ildefonso, with Elena Spoeri (ZF / CLEPA), Stefan Hillstroem (BMW Group), John Mortell (Plastics Europe) and Jaco Huisman (European Commission - Directorate-General for the Environment).


Still moderated by Beatriz Ildefonso, at 14:30, IMDS: new version and other updates, with Giuseppe Pietro Marengon (DXC Technology), Matthew Griffin (IMDS SC) and Jonas Tilly (DXC Technology).


The afternoon session will continue with the blocks "Japanese chemical regulations and JAPIA activities" with Ryoma Akutsu (Hitachi Astemo / JAPIA) and Yoshihito Tanaka (Toyota Boshoku);  Update on North American supplier activities with Lecedra Welsch-Jones (AIAG); Update on India's ELV/REACH regulations with Prabhakar Yellappa (PCCS Global); and Status and trend of ELV management in China with Li Dong from Catarc. 

Second day

On 28 June, the opening session will focus on "CLEPA's activities in sustainability and CSR EG, part of the session "Corporate sustainability in the automotive sector", moderated by Pedro Grossinho (Joyson Safety Systems).


This will be followed by updates on Drive Sustainability and Drive+ by Filippo Spiezia (CSR Europe) and an update on the Responsible Supply Chain Initiative (RSCI) by Andreas Lukesch (Brose / RSCI). After a break, Pedro Grossinho will moderate the CSDD panel, Update on deforestation and forced labour with Tyler Gillard (Responsible Business Alliance), Bill Frymoyer (MEMA, Vehicle Suppliers Association), Bart Devos (Responsible Business Alliance) and Nils Poel (CLEPA).


This will be followed by a panel discussion on "How to find a joint approach to supply chain due diligence" with Olga Marin (Lear Corporation / CLEPA), Tyler Gillard (Responsible Business Alliance) and Bill Frymoyer (MEMA),


The afternoon session will open with "Dual materiality methodology and overview of the correct use of ESRS standards", part of the session "Corporate sustainability reporting and taxonomy", with Bernhard Frey (EFRAG) and Andreas Lukesch (Brose/RSCI)-


The materiality assessment of CLEPA will be presented by Umberto Fassero and "CSRD - Perspectives on reading sustainability reporting obligations" will be presented by Annika Kabelitz (Forvia/Hella). The application of taxonomy: challenges and ambiguities will be discussed by Nils Poel (CLEPA).


Poel, with Paolo Alburno, both from CLEPA, will also address "EU Corporate Sustainability Regulatory Needs for PCF/Scope 3 and CBAM. On Global Corporate Sustainability Regulatory Needs for PCF/Scope 3, Michał Mytych, (APTIV PLC / CLEPA) will speak. Niels Angel (BMW/Catena-X) will focus on Catena-X Regulation and PCF strategy. All these topics are related to the "Carbon footprint of automotive products", which in the case of IMDS PCF, will be presented by Oliver Schmit (Hyundai / IMDS SC). After the conclusions, the event will close with a presentation by Frank Nottebom (DXC Technology), the event's sponsor.


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